Salep is the name given to the root (tube) of the orchid plant. The origin of the word salep is Arabic and means fox ovary. In our society, species belonging to the Orchidaceae family are collected, dried and consumed to make salep. It is known that about 80 different types of salep belonging to 10 different species are produced in our country. In our country, salep is generally grown in forests, maquis, meadows, olive groves and agricultural areas. In general, it is more common in woodland and scrub areas without dark shadows. It grows in areas where the salep plant, which does not need much sunlight, is grown the most. Since it grows by itself in forest areas, these salep are natural salep and mountain salep. The place where salep is most famous in our country is the Bucak district of Burdur. Bucak salep has a distinctive aroma and taste. It is also a source of healing. You can find the benefits of salep below. You can either make 1 liter of salep with 5-6 grams of Bucak salep and consume it with pleasure, or you can make an ice-cold ice cream and consume it with pleasure. Enjoy your meal.